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HGI » Homepage

SHARCS - Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems

The Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems (SHARCS) workshop is the first conference ever devoted entirely to this challenging subject. It is initiated by HGI members. more

CHES 2005 (Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware)

HGI is one of the organisers of CHES 2005 (Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware), taking place in Edinburg at the end of august. more



pix pix The Horst Görtz institute (HGI) for security in information technology

In the year 1999 the University of Bochum developed a concept in order to build up a center of competence for IT security. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Horst Görtz, founder of the company Utimaco, supported this project with a generous donation. Meanwhile, this center of competence is established and is one of the biggest of its kind in Europe. It consists of two sections: the Horst Görtz Institute for IT security (HGI), named after its sponsor, as the central scientific institute at the Ruhr-University of Bochum and the Gesellschaft für IT-Sicherheit (GITS AG), a newly founded company in the novel house for IT security (4,000 m² with offices and several conference- and seminar rooms) which mainly deals with the education and training in the field of IT security.

The HGI's main focus is research, consulting, cooperation with IT security related companies and IT security personnel training. Moreover, the HGI combines different areas of expertise with technical, economic, legal and social scientific character.

Here you will learn more about the organisation of the institute »



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